Saturday, October 2, 2021

Matthew 4:12 part 7-A Social Outcast Meets the Messiah

Matthew 4:12 part 7-A

“A Social Outcast
Meets the Messiah”

John 4:1-9

A timeless story of an incident where a woman found forgiveness in the Messiah who would take away all our sins, if we just believe as she did. She was a five time divorcee living in sin with a sixth man. Yet Jesus came to show her forgiveness, and she became the first non Jew to receive forgiveness and salvation. Despised by others, she collects her water in the heat of the day, so she could avoid the gossip from other women who would come in the cool of the morning. Shunned by others for her lifestyle, Jesus had to go to meet her, so she could learn that forgiveness was available for everyone.


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