“I Perceive You
Are A Prophet”
I must admit that I digressed from what my study was going to cover, but that is because I felt a history lesson was in order. I ended the last study with the Samaritan woman asking Jesus for the water HE spoke of so she would not be thirsty and not have to travel to this well again. It's obvious that she still does not understand him. I will continue with the spiritual problem of the woman in my next study, but for now take a journey into the past with me as I go in depth to expalain why the Jews and Samaritans don't get along.
Some history is offered to help fill in the missing peices you may not know. Some histoprty that will help explain the anymosity. Things that many Jews and Samaritans themselves may not have truly been aware of. Hate can last so long that many forget why they hate. Children hate because their parents hate, yet seldom do those who hate truly understand the reason. Jesus came to meet a woman at the well who did not understand why they disagreed.
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