Friday, August 27, 2021

Matthew 4:12 part 3

Nicodemus is one of the known teachers of the day. He is called a ruler and thus a Rabbi and one of the 70 members of the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin was the supreme council of the Jews who met within Jerusalem's temple in a place known as the chamber of hewn stones (although they sometimes met in the house of the High Priest). There is a high probability that he was a contemorary of Saul of Tarsus. While we cannot veryfy that, nor could we veryfy they knew of eachother before Jesus was crucified. One day we may know if they did, but not while we are in this World.

Upon hearing of Jesus, and how he performed miracles and taught with authority, Nicodemus felt the need, or mayb e was complelled by the Hioly Spirit to seek out and meet Him. Imagine a professional Scholar, obne of the best of his field and another shows up who is better. A true proffesional will always seek out those who may be as good if not better than themsleves. So it only made sense he would seek this Jesus fellow out.

  1. Nicodemus facts;

    1. The official Jewish Encyclopedia and many Jewish historians identify this Nicodemus as the wealthy and popular teacher listed in the Jewish Talmud as Nicodemus ben Gurion. Some ancient writings have even said he was one of the three richest men in Israel at the time of Jesus

    2. One of the 70 members of the Sanhedrin

    3. The teacher of the day, would have been highly respected for his opinions

    4. Respected Jesus enough to call Him a Rabbi (Which means teacher) sent from God

    5. Eventually defended Jesus when they attempted to arrest Him later (John 7:45-52)

    6. Most likely a contemporary of Saul of Tarsus, (Apostle Paul)

    7. Is present at crucifixion, he helps Joseph of Arimathea to bury Jesus (John 19:38-42)

      1. Some have concluded that because Joseph was afraid to be a follower so was Nicodemus

    8. Christian tradition says he was martyred sometime in the 1st century as a believer

  2. (John  3:1-2) Curious of His teachings and miracles he shows up at night time to question Jesus

    1. Many Pharisees and teachers from all over Judea would eventually be curious (Luke 5:17)

    2. Nicodemus comes alone, if he were sent by the other Pharisees, it would have been daytime in public, as they usually operated for the fullest effect (John 1:19)

    3. He was curious because he was a good teacher, all good teachers search for the truth

    4. A lot has been made of his night time visit

      1. However, consider the time of his visit, during the height of the Passover

      2. Evenings always allowed for a more relaxed atmosphere, cooler, on the roof of home

      3. Both Jesus and Nicodemus are very busy men

      4. Jesus accepts his visit because sometimes a private meeting is better (Galatians 2:2)

    5. He starts out complimenting Him, putting Jesus at ease, setting the stage for some tough questions

    6. Calls Him a Rabbi with gifts only a man sent from God would have

  3. (John  3:3-4) Jesus catches him off guard by not falling for the flattery, instead he informs him of the only way a person can see the “Kingdom of God” is to be “Born Again”

    1. John's Gospel has three basic themes

      1. How Jesus replaces the Jewish ways of doing things

      2. How those who should, do not understand what Jesus says to them

      3. The movement from darkness to light, John continues this theme in (1John 1:5-7)

    2. Jesus used all three themes in speaking to Nicodemus

      1. The Jews understood being born again as pertaining to Gentiles becoming Jews

      2. Nicodemus answers Jesus by asking how a man can be born again, because he is Jewish

      3. Later Jesus uses the Light and Darkness analogy with Nicodemus (John 3:19-21)

  4. (John  3:5) Jesus tells Nicodemus one must be born of water and the Spirit

    1. Born of Water

      1. Some say this alludes the water as to baptism

        1. Nicodemus would have understood this because Jews baptized Gentiles as proselytes

      2. Some say this alludes to the birth of a child ( breaking the water sac)

      3. Some say this alludes to the word of God, scripture refers to this (Ephesians 5:25-27)

      4. My belief is both baptism by water and washing of the word to cleanse one of falsehood

    2. Born of the Spirit

      1. Most agree that He means to born of the spirit is to have the Holy Spirit in you

        1. Some believe you receive the spirit upon accepting Christ

        2. Some believe it is a special incident that happens like in (Acts 2:1-4)

    3. Several OT and NT scriptures allude to the water and spirit being one as in spiritual rebirth

      1. Old Testament

        1. Water and the Spirit poured out (Isaiah 44:3-5)

        2. I will wash you and fill you (Ezekiel 36:24-27)

        3. Washed by the Word (Psalm 119:9)

      2. New Testament

        1. Ever thirst again (John 4:14)

        2. Wash her with the Word (Ephesians 5:25)

        3. Saved by Him washing us (Titus 3:3-6)

      3. When the Word of God, energized and empowered by the Spirit of God, speaks to our dark, formless empty lives a new birth takes place. When the Word and Spirit work in tandem to draw us to the Father by way of His Son, we are reborn.

  5. (John  3:6) Verse 6 Flesh is flesh and spirit is spirit

    1. Flesh, Any living animal from man to beasts and our human desires

    2. Spirit, The part of man that has a higher connection with God the creator. Without a spirit the souls is dead.

  6. (John  3:7-8) Verse 7and8 Nicodemus is told not to be amazed as Christ explains the Spirit

    1. A cool breeze possibly comes up and Jesus uses it to explain the Spirit of God

  7. (John  9-11) Nicodemus is still perplexed as Jesus continues his lesson for the Pharisee

    1. As for the wind, Nicodemus should have remembered (Ezekiel 37:1-14) After showing Ezekiel a valley of dried bones the Lord asks him “How can these bones live again?” The Lord said to prophesy and the bones grew muscles, tendons and skin but were lifeless. The Lord then said to prophesy to the wind, and the wind blew life into them and they lived. This teacher should have known the promise of God to Ezekiel for a new Covenant.

    2. In vs 10 Jesus is probably a bit frustrated with the great teacher

      1. Jesus asks him, “Can you really be a teacher if my people don't grasp these things?”

      2. Throughout the OT men have failed to open their hearts and listen to the prophets

    3. In all this Christ is explaining to Nicodemus of how these pieces fit together

      1. The Spirit and water

      2. The dry bones and a desert wind

      3. The New Covenant and a new life

    4. In vs 11 Jesus uses the phrase,

“Most assuredly”, or “Verily, Verily I say”

  1. He used this same phrase earlier in vs 3:3 and vs 3:5

  2. This phrase is used 78 times in the Gospel and only by Jesus

    1. He used it when He wanted to make an important point,

    2. It's like saying,

“Now listen very carefully. I have a very important thing to say.”

  1. When He said “We” he was referring to

    1. The Old Testament Prophets who spoke of His coming

    2. John the Baptist

    3. The “Father”

    4. The “Holy Spirit”

    5. And Himself “The Son”

  2. When He said “You” he was referring to

    1. Nicodemus

    2. His fellow Pharisees

    3. The Sadducees

    4. Anyone who would not believe the word

  1. (John 3:12) Jesus asks how they can grasp heavenly things if they cannot grasp earthly one

    1. Jesus used a very earthly explanation to help him grasp the rebirth, and the spirit

    2. How can they ever grasp heavenly things like (1Colossians 2:7-9)

      1. The descent of the Son from heaven to become Man

      2. The union of two natures , human and divine

      3. Him being the Only Begotten Son

      4. His impending crucifixion and death, and why it must happen

      5. Unless men like him open up their hearts to the voice of the Holy Spirit they will never grasp the truth we are privileged to read, understand and meditate upon daily, like

        1. Great is the mystery (1Timothy 3:16)

        2. Sufficient for our sins (1 John 4:10)

        3. Wisdom and Knowledge of God (Romans 11:33-36)


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