Matthew 5:13-16
“Salt & Light”
“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:13-16
Today we will finish the Beatitudes Matthew 5:13-16
Salt and Light --- While verses 13-16 are not Beatitudes in themselves you must read them in context with Beatitudes, because as Christians we are expected to be God’s emissaries to a lost world. To set up what I mean let’s look back at a couple of aspects of the Beatitudes and the way they are set up for us by Jesus
We learned that the first four Beatitudes progress with the believer as their faith grows specifically dealing with the heart and mind, the way we present our inner self to God who searches the hearts of men
5:3 first you are poor in spirit
5:4 then you are morning over your sin
5:5 then you find yourself meek and humble
5:6 then when you are emptied of the filth and junk you find yourself hungering and thirsting
The last four Beatitudes display certain characteristics and attitudes other men see in us
5:7 being merciful
5:8 having a pure heart
5:9 being a peacemaker
5:10 being righteous and getting persecuted for it
The last four Beatitudes are outward manifestations of that growth, the way we present ourselves to the world
The poor in spirit (5:3) recognize their need for mercy and show mercy to others (5:7)
Those who mourn (5:4) are lead to pure hearts (5:8)
Those who are meek (5:5) will always seek to make peace (5:9)
Those who hunger for righteousness (5:6) will be persecuted (5:10)
He also gives us a sense of continuity in the way He presented the
“Poor in spirit” denotes the fact of sin
“They that mourn” means to repent of sin
“The meek” describes not the weak, but rather strength that is surrendered to God in a new birth experience
To “hunger and thirst after righteousness” signifies the strong desire to become more Christ-like
“The merciful” show an attitude of forgiveness
“The pure in heart” strive daily for clean living
“The peacemakers” exert a calming influence in the storms of life
“They which are persecuted” denotes faithfulness under stress
Finally’ each one carries with it a strong promise of ”ultimate good”for those who develop the blessed life
It is this idea of “Ultimate Good”that sets us up to be the “Salt & Light”
(Today’s Bible Study Subject)
Salt & Light
Matthew 5:13-16 “Believers Are Salt and Light”
Seasoning that changes the flavor of food
Used for preserving food
Commodity used for trade value in the ancient world
Linked with health, hospitality, purity, & durability
In the ancient days, they would either rub salt upon the skin of the baby or wash them in a solution of warm salt water to
prevent infections
strengthening the skin by tightening it up a bit
purify the child in preparation of their presentation, and dedication to God
Elisha used salt in healing the waters of Jericho in his second miracle 2 Kings 2:20-21
It wasn’t the salt that healed, it was the word of God that purified the water
The foul stream represented sin, to cleanse it Elisha used salt a common Scriptural symbol of incorruption as in Leviticus 2:13 (Grain offering to God)
Salt represents the savory doctrines and lives of the ministers of the Gospel, who thereby recommend the truths they deliver Ezekiel 43:22-26
Covenant of Salt Numbers 18:19
An incorruptible, durable covenant, which should last forever even until the Gospel dispensation
As the salt we are to present ourselves as a pure offering before God Romans 12:1
As Salt we are to flavor the world not the other way around
Salt makes one thirsty, we are to make unbelievers thirsty for the word by our example of life
Salt irritates and as a Christian we will irritate the forces and accomplices of evil
Salt preserves so we will preserve the word even in times of persecution
God used the cloistered Monks to preserve the Word
He brings to our remembrance of His teachings John 14:26
Salt that loses its flavor was good only for mixing with manure or thrown on dirt Luke 14:35
A Christian who has no love cannot open hard hearts
We must have and show evidences of the Beatitudes to win over those who are lost
Webster’s first definition says of light, something that makes vision possible
Light is the offspring of the divine command Genesis 1:1-5
God is recognized as Light John 1:1-5
All the joyous emotions of the mind, all the pleasing sensations of the body, all the happy hours of daily interaction and accomplishments were continually described among the Hebrews received from light
1 Kings 11:36
Isaiah 58:8
Esther 8:16
Psalm 97:11
Light typified true religion and the good fortune and success it imparts
Psalm 119:105
Isaiah 8:20
Matthew 4:16
The glorious inheritance of the redeemed
Colossians 1:12
Revelation 21:23-25
God is said to dwell in unapproachable light
1 Timothy 6:16
Imagine trying to land on the Sun, God is that unapproachable to our flesh Exodus 33:18-23
It frequently signifies instruction
Matthew 5:16
John 5:35
In its highest sense it is applied to Christ as the “Sun of righteousness”
Malachi 4:2
Luke 2:32
John 1:7-9
God is called “the Father of lights” from whom all good comes James 1:17
It is used to describe angels 2 Corinthians 11:14
John the Baptist, who was called by Christ a “burning and a shining light” John 5:35
Finally, all true disciples of Christ are called “the light of the world” Matthew 5:14
Darkness can not penetrate Light
Darkness is the absence of light
There can be no darkness when Light exists
Even a small flame is light
When we shine the light of truth in a dark world we are shining the Light of God
A Christian’s good actions will be seen, and will lead people to honor God. If we have no other way of doing good - if
We are poor and have no money to evangelize past our own neighborhood
We are uneducated and unlearned in the Scriptures
We are unknown and have no close friends or relatives
We will shine as lights in a dark world by just living a Christian life
We are sincere and humble and live a life for Christ, it will not be in vain
Because God will find a way for us to shine the light of truth for Him
A Christian’s very existence is of use to God
Even the Feeblest light at midnight is of use by God
Someone out there needs light
Someone out there is looking for something, they just don’t know what it is
If someone really wants to know, then God will send a them a messenger with the truth
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