Thursday, April 7, 2022

Matthew 8:5-13

Matthew 8:5-13

Onward Christian Soldiers

This week I would like to take you on a detour to help you understand the importance of authority, and how the life of a soldier is similar to that of a Christian. To do so, I must help you understand that when you read the Scriptures, you also need to really visualize the situation of the people you are reading about. You need to truly understand what daily life is like for those who lived in 30 A.D. What they feared when they walked down the street. What truly gave them joy in the world they lived in. What kind of clutter did Jesus have to get through before He could get them to see Him for what He truly was, their God. These are the things that should be going through your mind as you read the Scriptures. Knowing these things will help you better understand that the spiritual aspect of their lives wasn't much different than yours is today.

In today’s study, Jesus meets a man of true faith. To the Jews the Roman centurion was just another soldier they despised. A man the Jews would like nothing better than to see choke on the unclean pork they consume. Let's take a look at those who were such an integral part of the crucifixion of Jesus, and the lives of the Disciples.  In the Gospels, other than Pontus Pilot, we read more about centurions than any other type of Romans. So I will take this week's study to give you a secular lesson that will help you understand how to become a better soldier in the army of Christ.

  1. From 60 BC, the Roman Empire had controlled Judea

    1. Romans didn't come in, defeat the rulers and set up an interim government, and leave them alone

      1. When Rome conquered a kingdom the people knew they had lost

      2. When the Romans controlled an area, they sent in the military to rule you completely

      3. This is why the conquered stayed conquered for a very long time

    2. Rome lasted from 753 BC to (476 AD Western) to (1453 AD Eastern)

      1. As a kingdom from 753 – 509 BC

      2. As a Republic from 509 – 27 BC

      3. As an Empire from 27 BC – 476

      4. In 395 the Empire split into western and eastern administrative divisions

        1. The eastern Empire lasted until 1453 as the Byzantine Empire

      5. Altogether Rome remained a dominant force to be reckoned with for over 2200 years

    3. Most Romans were known for being very cruel at times

      1. Crucifixion of Christ is an example

        1. Crucifixion was actually a fairly common form of execution first practiced by the Persians

        2. Romans had perfected it and other forms of punishment by the time Christ came upon the scene

    4. Yet, we read in the Scriptures how some Romans were very kind

      1. These individuals are all gentiles who usually held a position of authority

      2. They all commanded respect, but also gave respect, where it is due

      3. The backbone of Roman power was the Roman army, and it was the Roman centurions who were responsible for making sure that power was executed as Rome wanted it to be

      4. First century Jew living in Judea probably never saw the Governor or any of the Roman military men, 

      5. However, they would see a centurion from time to time. 

      6. If you were a Jew back then, you most assuredly would have hated the centurions, and they probably hate you

      7. There were those centurions who stood out from the rest as more diplomatic in the way they treated the citizens

    5. A Roman centurion was a different kind of man however, It is good to understand who they are, since you will read about a few of them throughout the New Testament

      1. A centurion was a professional officer of the Roman military

      2. The name came from the fact that they commanded a century or 100 men known as legionaries

        1. Along with transforming the Military into a professionally paid army the reforms in 107 BC, under a Roman consul named Gaius Mariusalso, reduced the size a centurions command to 60 legionnaires

        2. However, by the time Jesus came upon the scene they increased that number to 80 legionnaires

        3. Senior centurions could actually be in charge cohorts, which had as many as 800 legionnaires

      3. In today’s military, a centurion would hold the rank of a lieutenant or even a captain

      4. A legionary needed to meet certain qualifications if he wanted to be considered for centurions rank 

        1. He would have to be at least 30 years old

        2. Same age a Jew had to be before he could become a priest

        3. In fulfilling the Law Christ was 30 when he started His ministry

        4. If a man entered the army at 16, half his life would be in the military, having significant experience

        5. The most important of qualification was important friends in high places

        6. A legionary had to have several letters of recommendation from important people

          1. Senator

          2. Consuls

          3. Wealthy citizens

          4. Emperor himself

        7. Education, one of the centurions tasks was to convey his superior officers' written commands

          1. A legionary wanting to be a centurion he had to be able to read

          2. The more educated one was the better chance he had of becoming centurion

        8. Military skills 

          1. Because he would be leading his men into battle, he needed to be a good fighter

          2. Needed a good knowledge of military tactics and procedures

          3. Centurions were always in front of their men in battle

          4. That’s why highest mortality rate in the Roman military was the centurions

          5. Centurions who survived several campaigns would become highly respected 

          6. Not only by his men, but also by his superiors and the public in general

        9. Social Status

          1. The above connections are always easier to achieve if one comes from a wealthy family

          2. Wealth always helped guaranteed a bright future in the Roman military 

  2. Centurions in the New Testament

    1. The centurion in today’s study, (Matthew 8:5-13) 

      1. Jesus saw more faith in him than in all of Israel

    2. One at cross, (Mark 15:37-39)

      1.  who said,  “Truly this was the Son of God”

    3. Cornelius visited by angel and told to send for peter (Acts 10:1-48)

      1.  accepted Christ when Peter shared the Gospel with him 

    4. One who put shackles on Paul (Acts 22:23-29)

      1. Paul objected because he was a Roman citizen, the centurion went to his superiors

    5. Two escorted Paul safely (Acts 23:23-28)

      1.  Taking Pauul Felix the Governor to protect him from the religious mobs  

    6. One, Julius was Paul's custodian (Acts 27:3)

      1. Voyage to Rome 

All 7 had something to admire

A couple had a lot to admire

One had everything to admire

  1. Other military personnel presented in a favorable light in Scriptures

    1. Joshua, Caleb, Naaman, Philippian Jailer

    2. Joshua & Caleb

      1. These two men were soldiers who stand out

        1. They tried to persuade Israel to trust in God, and were threatened with death Numbers 14:6-10

        2. Only ones over twenty-one who left Egypt to enter the Promised Land Numbers 14:26-32 

    3. Caleb was highly praised by God

      1. At the time he stood fast for the Lord Numbers 14:24

      2. At the time he received the land promised to him Joshua 14:6-14 

      3. It is repeatedly emphasized that he "wholly followed the Lord God of Israel"

    4. Joshua was similarly remarkable

      1. By defeating the pagans of the promised land, he became Israel’s greatest general

      2. In his farewell address (at age 110), he takes his stand for the Lord Joshua 24:14-15

      3. His influence over his family was great enough that he knew how they would choose

    5. Naaman, the commander of the Syrian kings army 

      1. A mighty man of valor who was also a leper

      2. He still commanded respect from his men

      3. Jewish slave girl liked him so much she wished he could e healed 2 Kings chapter 5 

      4. The king of Syria sent Naaman with a letter to the king of Israel for help 2Kings 5:4-5

        1. Elisha tells him to wash in the Jordan seven times 

        2. He first refuses, preferring the rivers in his country, but then relents 2 Kings 5:11-14

        3. He eventually relents because his servants convince him to try the prophets idea

      5. Naaman goes back to his country healed and praising Israel’s God as the one and only true God 

      6. Naaman had a true conversion 2 Kings 5:15

    6. The Philippian jailer, the first European male convert

      1. His conversion was immediate Acts 16:30-34 

      2. His family likewise obeyed the gospel

  2. History gives proof that many times the military can be a good institution

    1. History is full of many God fearing military men lik

      1. King David, 

      2. Emperor Constantine, 

      3. King Edward I, 

      4. George Washington,

      5. Winston Churchill

      6. Dwight D Eisenhower 

      7. and many others throughout history

    2. The military teaches the importance of authority

      1. Without a respected line of authority, chaos would develop 

        1. It would be impossible to lead a large group of men without respected leadership

        2. Instead of united, coordinated forces, it would be every man for himself

      2. Soldiers are taught to submit to authority immediately

        1. Hesitation can disastrous where speed can mean the difference between life or death, victory or defeat

        2. Questioning authority, balking at orders, can easily result in one's own death and that of their comrades

    3. The military teaches its men many things GOD wants us to all to understand 

      1. Military men learn how to submit to authority and

        1. Scriptures show us that many times a soldier will obey the will of the Lord immediately upon hearing the gospel

        2. They realize that delay can be disastrous

        3. They don’t hesitate to follow orders if their lives depend upon it, so they do not hesitate when their souls are in jeopardy?

      2. Like the centurion in today’s study they learn to exercise authority over others

        1. Military men who learn to submit to authority

      3. They also learn to follow the Lord with a "whole heart"

        1. They understand the need to submit to authority totally

        2. If it were just a game, one might be justified to be half- hearted, not taking things seriously

        3. But warfare, whether carnal or spiritual, requires complete devotion and total concentration to the task at hand! Ephesians 6:11-13

      4. These men also influence their entire families for the Lord

        1. By such careful submission to the will of the Lord, they set a notable example for their children

        2. By seeing their father taking his Christian walk seriously, they also take it seriously

      5. Knowing how to exercise authority, military men often raise their children to respect authority

        1. Eventually leading their whole family to the Lord, as Cornelius did

        2. Military men often become elders to rule over the house of God 1 Timothy 3:4-5

      6. I am not suggesting that only military men make good Christians

        1. But I do suggest we would do well to remember the examples of those in the military

        2. For we are to be a people under authority, the authority of Jesus Christ

          1. An authority over all things in heaven and on earth Matthew 28:18

          2. An authority that demands that we do what He has commanded Matthew 28:19-20

    4. In an age marked by permissiveness, it behooves Christians to possess a military attitude regarding authority, for we are engaged in a spiritual warfare with Satan and his influences

      1. Not submitting to the authority of God with all haste

        1. Could mean the damnation of our own soul

        2. And a bad example for our children

      2. Not exercising our authority as Christian parents

        1. May lead to our children taking the broad way that leads to destruction

        2. May result in delivering our children to Satan on a silver platter

  3. How much better to be like 

    1. Caleb, and "wholly serve the Lord God"

    2. Naaman who was respected so much that his Jewish slave girl wished for his healing and salvation

    3. Joshua, and declare "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

  4. I’m always amazed at the similarities between a loyal soldier and a loyal Christian. 

    1. Both are willing to put their life on the line for their leader

    2. Both are, or should be helping those under them to learn how to be better soldiers

      1. One for the military

      2. One for Christ Jesus

    3. Thomas Aquinas, a 13th century Christian theologian must have had a similar feeling when he considered the life of a born again sinner, because he wrote, 

The Sacrament by which spiritual strength is conferred on the one born again makes him in some sense a front-line fighter for the faith of Christ. And because fighters under a prince carry his insignia, those who receive the Sacrament of Confirmation are signed with the Sign of the Cross by which He fought and conquered.``

  1. The United States Government has a slogan it uses to recruit for the military

"Uncle Sam Needs You!"

  1. While Jesus Christ may not need you or me, He sure wants you and me to be a good soldier for HIM

In 1865, Sabine Baring- Gould had a youth group he led, and wanting to make the people take notice of his students, he wrote a song for the children to sing while marching from one village to another. The song he wrote would become one of the most popular songs ever in Churches of the Western World.  In 1969 it was sung at the funeral of the great WWII general, and former President of the United States of America, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

All men and women should become good soldiers for Christ and fight the good fight, using all the tools at our disposal, putting on the whole armor of God and get to the front lines of the battle

“Onward Christian Soldiers” 

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,

With the cross of Jesus going on before!

Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;

Forward into battle, see his banner go!

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,

With the cross of Jesus going on before!

At the sign of triumph, Satan's host doth flee;

On then Christian soldiers, on to victory!

Hell's foundations quiver, at the shout of praise;

Brothers lift your voices, loud your anthems raise!

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,

With the cross of Jesus going on before!

Like a mighty army moves the church of God;

Brothers we are treading, where the saints have trod;

We are not divided, all one body we,

One in hope and doctrine, one in charity.

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,

With the cross of Jesus going on before!

Onward, then, ye people, join our happy throng,

Blend with ours your voices, in the triumph song;

Glory, laud, and honor, unto Christ the King;

This through' countless ages, men and angels sing.

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,

With the cross of Jesus going on before!


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