Thursday, March 24, 2022

Matthew 7:24-29

Matthew 7:24-29 

Building Upon a Solid Foundation

In 1834 Edward Mote was invited to visit a friend and his ailing wife. His friend told Edward that he usually read some from the Bible, and then sang a hymn or two before saying a prayer for her. But on this day he could not find his hymnal, so Edward pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket that he had scribbled the words, “On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand”. He had planned on using the phrase in a song, so he figured this was a perfect time for him to ad lib some more words and add a melody. So this song was written for a man’s dying wife who needed comfort from her illness.

“The Solid Rock” “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame But wholly lean on Jesus name On Christ the solid rock I stand All other ground is sinking sand All other ground is sinking sand

  1. When you consider the disaster left by a cyclones, earthquakes, and floods, one should imagine the importance of being prepared for when disasters strike

    1. In both cases people are faced with trials depending how prepared they were for such disasters

      1. Some people suffered minor damage to their homes and lives

      2. Some people suffered major damage and lost everything and even their lives

      3. All who do suffer some loss will need some sort of insurance to help with repair costs

        1. Those who did will be able to at least rebuild their home and replace many items

        2. Those who did not will lose everything with no hope of replacing what they lost

        3. All who suffer damage may loose family photos and other personal items

      4. Some people were so prepared they lost nothing and life goes on for them as before

        1. Had foresight to buy insurance, just incase such a calamity as this would happen

        2. They heeded advice to evacuate the area

        3. They emptied out their home of items they could not replace

        4. Moved family to safety, higher ground or farther inland away from storm or flood

    2. The lesson is, “Building sandcastles for protection from cyclones and floods is dangerous”

  2. In today’s lesson, Jesus uses the analogy of building a house on a solid foundation, to help us understand that our faith must also be built on a solid foundation. And the HE, Jesus Christ, is the cornerstone of that we must build our faith upon

    1. Matthew 7:24 (A) ”Those who hear these saying of mine and does them shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven”

      1. What sayings? The Words He taught in the  “Sermon On The Mount” Lets review these sayings from His sermon

        1. We begin with the beatitudes Matthew 5:3-12

          1. The word "beatitude" means "supreme blessedness or happiness"

          2. We find Jesus discussing the blessedness of those who possess certain qualities

          3. Those who possess these qualities will be the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven

          4. Along with these qualities He tells us what benefits citizens of the Heaven will receive

        2. Then we learned that we are the salt and light to the world Matthew 5:13-16

        3. We should be reconciled to your brother with whom we have fought Matthew 5:21-26

        4. Not to look at any person with lust in our heart Matthew 5:27-30

        5. We are not to put our spouse out for divorce Matthew 5:31-32

        6. We should turn the other cheek and go the 2ndmile Matthew 5:33-37

        7. Love our enemies, be perfect (complete) as God

Matthew 5:43-48

Prov 25:21-22

Rom 12:20

  1. Do our righteous acts in secret to please God not men Matthew 6:1-4 and Matthew 6:16-18

  2. Don't worry about tomorrow Matthew 6:25-34

  3. Do not be condemning Matthew 7:1-6

  4. Ask, seek, and knock Matthew 7:7-10

  5. Do unto others as you want them to do to you Matthew 7:11-12

  6. Enter in at the strait gate, walk the narrow path Matthew 7:13-14

  1. Matthew 7:24 (B) ”He is like a wise man who builds his house upon a on rock”

    1. This foundation is whatever teaching, doctrine, or philosophy you put your faith in

      1. One of the most important things to any building is it’s foundation

      2. When one builds their spiritual house, what do they build it with

        1. Some build it upon other people's statements of miracles and sudden wealth

        2. Others upon a feeling, Mormons claim a burning in the bosom

      3. These are false foundations

        1. The healed could die next month of cancer, what then of those who believed

        2. Feeling in bosom could be heartburn, vision could be brain tumor and hallucination

        3. When the truth of false miracles are exposed, what then of faith?

    2. Jesus is saying, those who listen and follow Histeachings are using solid rock as a foundation

      1. Because the surest foundation is the Word of God our sword of the Spirit

        1. And it teaches us to trust fully in His Son, Jesus Christ

        2. If we see a contradiction in Gods His word, then we are wrong in our understanding

        3. All other doctrines change with the times, not Jesus doctrine Hebrews 13:8-9

        4. Because He’s God and while all else will perish, God is the same Psalm 102:26-27

      2. This solid Rock is needed for a foundation that will withstand the storms we will all face

      3. GOD dug deep and laid the foundation of His Church on the ROCK of salvation so that when the storms of life hit, we will have Him as our strength to see us though

        1. Paul says that no foundation but that of Jesus Christ will do 1 Corinthians 3:11

        2. Jesus strength is made perfect in our weaknesses 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

        3. Tell story of how the song “The Solid Rock” came about 

In 1834 Edward Mote was invited to visit a friend and his ailing wife. His friend told Edward that he usually read some from the Bible, and then sang a hymn or two before saying a prayer for her. But on this day he could not find his hymnal, so Edward pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket that he had scribbled the words, “On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand”. He had planned on using the phrase in a song, so he figured this was a perfect time for him to ad lib some more words and add a melody. So this song was written for a man’s dying wife who needed comfort from her illness.

“The Solid Rock”

“My hope is built on nothing less

than Jesus blood and righteousness

I dare not trust the sweetest frame

But wholly lean on Jesus name

On Christ the solid rock I stand

All other ground is sinking sand

All other ground is sinking sand

  1. Matthew 7:26 If we hear His sayings but then do not do them, but follow some false teachings instead

    1. Jesus says we are building our foundation on sand

    2. Following the theme of knowing false prophets by their fruits in Matthew 7:15-20

      1. Jesus is telling us we need to base our faith on the truth

      2. He warns us against building our faith upon the teachings of false prophets

      3. Basing hopes on these false teachings is like building a house on foundations of sand

        1. Their encouraged not to worry about living in sin, it’s the flesh sinning not the spirit

        2. It really doesn't matter what you believe, just be sincere and you will be fine

        3. Many roads lead you to heaven, Jesus is just one of those ways

        4. Some say trust in the church for your salvation, not just in Jesus

      4. All those who seek to broaden the narrow gate will find no opening for them

      5. He will tell them“I never knew you depart from me you who practice lawlessness”

  2. Matthew 7:27 Jesus wants us to realize the importance of having a sure foundation

    1. Like those who live in the Caribbean, we can expect major spiritual storms to come our way

    2. And like those who live near rivers, sometimes we will be flooded by the troubles of life

    3. Sooner or later our faith will be tested & we will be confronted by circumstances and situations we have no answer for

      1. After the black death ravaged Europe in the 13th century, many questioned their faith

      2. While the Church kept asking for more indulgences to

        1. Build more cathedrals

        2. Finance wars to expand their influence

        3. They saw little difference between the Church and the Monarchies

      3. They became to realize their faith was not in God and Jesus but in the Church

      4. They did not feel like the Church was giving them sufficient answers for the plagues

      5. The moral decay of Europe became widespread, as the Church lost its foundation in Christ

      6. The Reformation was a response to this lack of a solid foundation in Christ

    4. If our foundation is built upon emotional experiences, or upon other peoples claims of miracles

      1. Then when the emotional high is over it will come crashing down

      2. When we feel God has not answered our prayer with a miracle we will give up

    5. If we have a firm foundation in Christ nothing can destroy it,

    6. GOD told the Prophets of the OT He would not forsake them and they believed Him 

Genesis 28:15

Deuteronomy 31:6-8

Joshua 1:5

1Samuel 12:22

1Chronicles 28:20

Psalm 37:28

Isaiah 41:17

  1. Christ lets us know He will never forsake us as long as we listen and do as He says Hebrews 13:5

  2. After all, He is the Author and Finisher of our Faith Hebrews 12:2

  3. As His sheep, Jesus tells us that no one can snatch us out of His Fathers hand John 10:27-30

  1. No one ever spoke the way He did, “He taught as One having authority” Matthew 7: 28-29

    1. Jesus astonished the people with His teaching

      1. Throughout the Gospels we read that not only the people, but also Pharisees, Sadducees, and Scribes were amazed by the way he taught with authority

      2. He even astonished the Priests tn the temple when He was only 12 years old Luke 2:46-47

    2. The scribes simply interpreted the Law, but Jesus spoke as One who had the right to make the law

    3. Most teachers spoke of so n so says, but Jesus said, “You have heard it said, buy I say”

    4. Jesus had the right and authority because He is GOD

      1. He is the Creator All things were made through Him John 1:1-3

      2. He is the Heir to GOD Hebrews 1:2

      3. He Redeemed us with His blood 1Peter 1:18-19

      4. As Creator, Heir, and Redeemer, He has inherent right and earned right to speak with authority

  2. Finally, those who accept Jesus as Lord, will do what He says because they will want to Psalm 73:25

    1. David Prophesied that His followers would freely desire to volunteer for Him Psalm 110:3

We should always remember His Words so we will always know we have eternal life Psalm 119:93


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