Thursday, March 17, 2022

Matthew 7:15-23

False Prophets I Never Knew
Matthew 7:15-23

In this oputline we look at Jesus warning us about False Prophets. Jesus predicts that false Christian prophets will be coming as wolves in sheep’s clothing. They may use all the right “God talk” and even make impressive displays of power, but they will not belong to the Lord. Jesus never recognized them as His true disciples or His friends. He never had anything in common with them nor approved of them. They were no relations of His. Christ did not dwell in their hearts, nor did they have His mind. In all these ways and more, Jesus never knew them.

  1. NT epistles, apologetic letters that defined and defended the Gospel for faithful Christians in need of answers

    1. Against Jewish teachers bent on destroying the new heretical offshoot of Judaism called Christianity

      1. They followed apostles and stirred up crowds to oppose them and the Gospel

      2. Because they opposed the Gospel of truth, Jesus called them Satan’s follower’s Revelation 3:9

    2. Against heretics who claimed to be Christian but denied certain aspects of the faith

      1. Nicolaitans, Ebionites, Cerinthians, Menandrians, and Gnostics who denied such things as

      2. The deity of Christ, His incarnation, His teachings, His death, and His resurrection

      3. They also denied the authority and status of the apostles, Paul defended his authority to Corinthians

    3. There were pagans who wanted to deny the new religion a foothold in their towns for various reasons

      1. Because of personal financial loss, like the fortune-teller’s masters in Philippi

      2. Silversmiths who made silver shrines of Diana at Ephesus, persuaded and turned away many people, saying that they are not gods which are made with hands, even the authorities helped persecute them

    4. The more things change the more they stay the same, and so today we still fight the same battles

      1. Like then, we have false teachers today who deny certain aspects of the faith & teach false doctrines

      2. Benni Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, T.D. Jakes, John Hagee and others

  2. In today’s study we will discuss false prophets that Jesus never knew and those who follow His truth

    1. Despite the many scandals, people still think that you can trust religious leaders

      1. Ministers normally rank high in polls concerning people you can trust

      2. People will often accept whatever a preacher, priest, or rabbi says as the truth

    2. Yet Jesus told His disciples to beware of false prophets Matthew 7:15-20

      1. Almost every writer of the NT warned of false prophets and teachers

        1. Paul did on several occasions but his best description was in 2 Corinthians 11:13-15

        2. Peter, in telling of the rise of false teachers 2 Peter 2:1-3

        3. John, in calling for people to "test the spirits" 1 John 4:1

        4. Jude, in writing of some who had already come Jude 1:3

      2. We need to be able to identify them, and know how to spot the wolves in sheep's clothing

        1. Most of the things they say are true. (Rat poisoning is 99 % good food.)

        2. Their leaders are calculating in their deception to their followers

          1. Jehovah Witness leaders with their watchtower lies and false bible

          2. Mormon elders and their false genealogical records of being Jewish

          3. Scientologists and the way they hide behind millionaire movie stars

        3. Many heretical teachers put a great emphasis on giving money

          1. God telling them how many are going to give $100

          2. God needs your support or His work will have to be halted or cut hack

          3. Very lavish in their own personal lives and tastes

        4. We can usually know them by the fruits they produce

          1. By examining the fruit of their teaching

            1. Their ministries (especially finances) will be shrouded in secrecy

              1. 1. They claim God wants them to be rich and you must give, give, give

            2. They draw people by appealing to their base desires (such as health and wealth)

              1. Often have people in wheelchairs waiting to be healed, but never get to them

              2. They tell you if your do not get healed, then its because your faith is weak

              3. They say such things as God told them how many people in congregation will give $100.00

              4. They say God needs your support or His work will have to be halted or cut back

            3. Rather than preparing people for what Christians can expect here and after

              1. Persecution, trials, tribulations, and an eventual eternal rest in Christ

            4. Twisting scriptures to support their message (just as Satan did in tempting Jesus)

              1. Mormons and JWs do it to deny the deity of Jesus Galatians 1:8

                1. Like false letters of the early church JW’s have their own false Bible now

                2. Mormons put great emphasis on the Book of Mormons instead of the Bible

              2. Their gospel may start out right, but becomes twisted along the way

              3. They teach that which is contrary to scriptures Deuteronomy 13:1-3 warns us

                1. Even if they appear able to perform signs and wonders

                2. Test how their teaching compares to the word of God and His apostles

          2. False teachers and false prophets are often betrayed by the true character of their heart

            1. By their greediness (e.g., as manifested by their lavish lifestyles)

            2. By their immorality (e.g., as manifested by adulterous relationships)

            3. By their lust for power (e.g., as manifested by religious empires)

    3. Final conclusion on False prophets

      1. t is not necessary to judge the hearts of those who claim to speak for God

        1. We need only to be "fruit-inspectors"

        2. The fruit of their life and teaching will become apparent soon enough

      2. Of course, this presumes that our knowledge of God's word is sufficient

        1. To know what to look for in the life of a false prophet

        2. To know what to listen for in the teaching of a false prophet

      3. If we do not learn how to judge we will be no different than Israel, of whom God said

    4. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6

  3. Some false prophets truly believe what they preach, and their followers are convinced they are telling the truth. However, on judgment day Jesus will tell them they “practiced lawlessness” Matthew 7:21-23

    1. Most people base their belief on the idea that heaven is for all believers of God

      1. Their hope is based upon their good works, or being “good people”

        1. James tells us that all believers are not necessarily making it to heaven James 2:19

    2. Many put hope in beliefs taught to them by their preachers, priests, and rabbis regardless of religion

    3. Some believers will not confess Jesus publicly, but still believe they will be in heaven John 12:42

      1. But Jesus tells us we must confess our faith in Him publicly Matthew 10:32-33

    4. So who will be allowed to enter into the Kingdom of heaven?

      1. Only those who are truly disciples of the Jesus

        1. A true disciple is one who not only believes, but does what He says John 8:30-32

      2. As Jesus said, "...he who DOES the will of My Father in heaven." Matthew 7:21

        1. Here is the dividing line: those who DO the Father's will!

        2. We read it is the "doer of the work" who is blessed in what he does James 1:23-25

      3. Why is this not legalism?

        1. Legalism is believing salvation comes from the act of works not faith in Christ’ sacrifice for sins

        2. Salvation by grace does not preclude the necessity of obedience

          1. Our obedience does not earn or merit salvation

          2. When all is said and done, we are still unworthy

        3. While the Father's will offers salvation by grace, it does require obedience!

          1. Only those who obey from the heart will be delivered from sin Romans 6:17-18

          2. Christ is the author of salvation to all who obey Him Hebrews 5:9

          3. Christ will come in judgment against those who do not obey the gospel 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9

        4. True living faith makes one want to do Gods good works James 2:17

    5. We must make the finding of God's will and rule the number one priority in our life!

      1. This is why we must take an earlier statement in Jesus' sermon so seriously Matthew 6:33

      2. So, what is the Father's will?

        1. Repentance of sins against God and faith in Jesus Christ Acts 20:21

        2. Confessing Jesus as our Lord and Savior Romans 10:10

        3. Being baptized into Christ to show publicly what you believe Acts 2:38

        4. Live a life of faithful service to Christ Revelation 2:10

        5. And a continual confession our sins along the way 1 John 1:9


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