Sermon On The Mount
“Wy Worry?”
Matthew 6:25-34
We need everyone to understand that we are struggling to get donations for the ministry. With so many people all around the World struggling to make ends meet, because of the COVID pandemic. Many businesses all over the World have shut down, causing billions of people to lose their jobs. So, they now struggle to make ends meet. Even in many of the Western Countries like Britain, France, and the United States, people who used to have extra money to hjelp ministries like ours around the World, do not have that extra money. In America, and in Western Europe, many are struggling to make ends meet from Month to Month.
It is a time when we all must have faith that GOD will provide for our needs. A time where we must have faith that GOD will be with us, just as HE has always been with those who have more faith in HIM through Christ Jesus than they do in the World. Thus, today's lesson is on the way we worry. We worry we will eat, we worry we will have shelter, we worry we will not find a job, or that we will lose the job we have. Throughout history men have worried about many things. So let us look into the problem of worrying and what Jesus has to say about it.