Friday, February 25, 2022

Matthew 6:25-34

Sermon On The Mount

“Wy Worry?”

Matthew 6:25-34

We need everyone to understand that we are struggling to get donations for the ministry. With so many people all around the World struggling to make ends meet, because of the COVID pandemic. Many businesses all over the World have shut down, causing billions of people to lose their jobs. So, they now struggle to make ends meet. Even in many of the Western Countries like Britain, France, and the United States, people who used to have extra money to hjelp ministries like ours around the World, do not have that extra money. In America, and in Western Europe, many are struggling to make ends meet from Month to Month.

It is a time when we all must have faith that GOD will provide for our needs. A time where we must have faith that GOD will be with us, just as HE has always been with those who have more faith in HIM through Christ Jesus than they do in the World. Thus, today's lesson is on the way we worry. We worry we will eat, we worry we will have shelter, we worry we will not find a job, or that we will lose the job we have. Throughout history men have worried about many things. So let us look into the problem of worrying and what Jesus has to say about it.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Matthew 6:19-24

Sermon On The Mount
“Who or What Do You Serve”
Matthew 6:19-24

Everyone's success depends upon what they value in life. If you value wealth, then your success will depend upon the standard of living and number of dollars in your bank account. If you value fame, your success will depend on how many people recognize and adore you. If you value power, then your success will be determined by the number of people you have under your control. Most people consider success a combination of wealth, fame or power. The amount of each can, and does vary between individuals, but success is measured within the parameters of those three categories

So what is your measurement for success in your life? What do you value? To know the answer to that question, one needs to examine what they put their time, talent, and treasure into. Do so, and you may be surprised at what you learn about yourself. Well, God does look, and HE does so closely. In today's study Jesus brings it all down to where your treasure is, so too is your heart.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Matthew 6:1-18 Lord's Prayer

Sermon On  The Mount

Matthew 6:1-18

The Lord's Prayer

First an overview of Parts 1 and 2

The first two sections dealt with the heart of a Christian and how we should present ourselves to God and man First we covered the Beatitudes and learned about the essential features and characteristics of a Christian by learning how the law is now written on our hearts.

  1. Beatitudes

    1. The Beatitudes point out the difference between a Christian and a Non-Christian

    2. The 1st4 beatitudes progress with the believer as their faith grows

    3. The 1st4 deal with the heart and mind and how we present our inner self to God, who searches the heart

    4. The last 4 beatitudes display certain character traits that other men can see

    5. The attitudes of the 1st4 are manifested in the last 4

    6. All 8 Beatitudes have a continuity that builds upon the one before

      1. “The poor in spirit” denotes the fact of sin

      2. “They that mourn” means to repent of sin

      3. “The meek” describes not the weak, but rather strength that is surrendered to God in a new birth

      4. To “hunger and thirst after righteousness” signifies the strong desire to become more Christ-like

      5. “The merciful” show an attitude of forgiveness

      6. “The pure in heart” strive daily for clean living

      7. “The peacemakers” exert a calming influence in the storms of life

      8. “They which are persecuted” denotes faithfulness under stress

    7. Finally, each one carries a strong promise of ultimate good for those who develop the blessed life

Friday, February 4, 2022

Matthew 5:43-48 Laws part 6

Matthew 5:43-48
“Laws Written on Flesh Instead of Stone”

The Laws
part 6

What Is True Love?
Forgive Them Father

This completes Jesus' teachings on the law. One must realize, that Jesus never ever changed any laws GOD handed down to Moses. All HE did, was clarify the true meaning behind those laws.  It was religious leaders, kings, and scribes who twisted the laws to accommodate their own human faults, and evil desires. Nothing of GOD is unjust, nor is HE a respecter of persons. By that I mean, GOD is not a GOD WHO's behavior toward people is influenced by their social status. He is the same today, yesterday, and forever.